Approved Counselling Therapy Master’s Programs

Graduates of a pre-approved counselling therapy master’s program are exempt from the standard requirement of submitting a completed Course Description Form as part of their initial application. All other application requirements and supplemental documentation will remain in effect.

Graduating from a listed program does not in itself guarantee registration/licensure.

Council for Accreditation of Counsellor Education Programs (CACEP)

Acadia UniversityMEd Counselling
Trinity Western UniversityMA Counselling Psychology
University of British ColumbiaMA Counselling Psychology
MEd Counselling Psychology
University of VictoriaMA Counselling

NSCCT Independently Approved Programs


Athabasca UniversityMaster of Counselling
Tyndale UniversityMA Clinical Counselling
University of Northern British ColumbiaMEd Counselling
University of OttawaMA Counselling Psychology
Yorkville UniversityMA Counselling Psychology