Questions to Ask a Counselling Therapist

If you are looking for a Registered Counselling Therapist, or are trying to decide if a particular counselling therapist will be a good fit for you, this page will help you make informed decisions.

The most important initial step in finding a counselling therapist is to confirm that they are registered with the provincial regulator (NSCCT) and currently licensed to practice counselling therapy in Nova Scotia. Licensing status (including disciplinary history) can easily be confirmed by searching the Directory or by clicking License Status Check on the Home Page of this website.

Here are some practical questions you can ask when you first speak with a Registered Counselling Therapist:

When you are looking for a Registered Counselling Therapist, it is helpful to learn if the counselling therapist and the type of counselling therapy they offer will suit you and your needs. Asking direct questions allows you to understand what to expect from counselling therapy and how it might be effective for you.

Here are some questions that might help you decide if a particular Registered Counselling Therapist is the right fit for you:

A Registered Counselling Therapist follows professional practice standards and a code of ethics so you can be assured that you can explore areas that may feel challenging in a confidential setting where there are clear professional boundaries. A Registered Counselling Therapist will understand if you choose to meet with different counselling therapists in order to find the care provider who is the best fit for you.

Here are some questions that might help you decide whether to continue to see a particular Registered Counselling Therapist:

Remember to check the license status of your counselling therapist before your first appointment. If their name does not appear in the NSSCT registry, they are not licensed to practice counselling therapy in Nova Scotia.